Remediation Projects

Remediation of groundwater contamination by chlorinated hydrocarbons at OTZ Touzim, Czech Republic

At a machining plant in Toužim, ENACON in consortium with companies ENVI-AQUA and DEKONTA applies in-situ chemical oxidation (RISCO technology) and biological reductive de-halogenation on groundwater highly contaminated by chlorinated solvents.

Remediation of groundwater impacted by chlorinated hydrocarbons at NAREX Ždánice, Czech Republic

For the main supplier of the remediation works, the. Company ENVI-AQUA s.r.o. ENACON performs remediation of contamination hot spots using biological reductive dehalogenation with application of cheese whey as a fermenting substrate.

Supervision and expert support of remedial projects in Europe

ENACON supervises and provides expert support on remediation projects dealing with historical land contamination at several manufacturing plants of a multinational supplier of automotive parts in France, Great Britain and Italy.

Manufacturing and services Investors Developers Small enterprises and family businesses